1. Observe yourself.
Low concentration can be different: someone can’t listen for long, another one can’t speak or write for long, another one is constantly distracted by noise. A few days observe yourself, carefully analyzing your own behavior. Find out moments when it becomes difficult for you to concentrate on perceiving information or performing a specific task.
2. Do only one thing at once.
Many people do several things at the same time: filling some documentation, browsing the Internet, talking on the phone. In this case at least one thing won’t be done properly: the brain is not able to perform diverse tasks at the same time. You can significantly increase your concentration ability by focusing on one thing at a time.
3. Listen to your biorhythms.
Observe yourself and find out at what time of day you feel better and your body and mind are most active and receptive to work. During the day the body of any person goes through several phases of activity: from loss of strength to its lift. If you feel more productive in the evening use this time for reading and studying.
4 exercises to improve your concentration
The main reason that we can’t memorize things is a lack of concentration. But this is fixable: the following simple exercises allow an adult or a child to improve concentration skills just in a few weeks!
1.When watching TV,put a watch in front of you.Try to keep your attention on the second arrow for two minutes. Don’t let yourself pull attention to the TV!
2. Focus one half of your attention on motion of the second arrow, and the second one – on your hands. It’s like dividing your attention into two equal parts.
3. Follow the second arrow and at the same time mentally list the numbers at intervals of three: 1, 4, 7, 10, 13 … to 60 and back.
If you lose concentration or think about anything else, start over again. Try to hold out for at least two minutes.
4. Concentrate one-third of your attention on motion of the second arrow. Another one-third devote to a mental recitation of a rhyme or a song. The remaining one-third use for concentration on the numbers