It’s a new school year, but a very different one; one with some anxiety and a lot of precautions to be taken. As educators, we have to face the entirely new set of challenges created by the coronavirus pandemic.

Masks must be worn inside school. Some classrooms remain empty, others are only half full, with the other students attending from home via the Internet. Concerns have been raised about the loss of learning opportunities for mixed ability classes and for children who read lips. For kindergarten and primary teachers, teaching while masked presents additional challenges related to students’ social and emotional development.

Online teaching can be stressful for everyone involved. Reading children’s body language and facial expressions is almost impossible; even dealing with questions and interacting with the whole class have become an issue. Creativity and adaptability are now the buzzwords for keeping learners engaged but, then again, weren’t they always?

So… how are you dealing with this new situation? How are you preparing for an unprecedented school year? What is it like to be the teacher behind a mask or on a screen?

Share your thoughts, your ideas, and your concerns. Share a day in the life of your school with us.

Send us your pics, your articles or even your recorded messages and help teachers around the world adjust to this new demanding time.

Your contributions will appear on Teachers’ Corner or Teachers’ Coffee live show.

Email your creations: [email protected]

*Don’t forget that if you decide to use kids’ photos/videos you need to send their parents’ consent before publishing.

worldteachersday #teacherslife #maskedteacher #onlineteachers #teachingincoronatimes #adayinthelifeofateacher #TeachersCorner #TeachersCoffee #ExpressPublishing
