Why do we read?

We read for information. A housewife looks up a recipe in the cookbook. A student learns a particular subject of study. A business man obtains facts to make a decision.

We read as a means to escape. Looking at comics we forget our worries and are temporarily refreshed. We read for pleasure. We read to confirm our beliefs. We read for imaginary adventure.

How you benefit from increased reading speed and comprehension

You’ll be able to read more the things you like. You’ll also get to read much of what you haven’t had time.

Better reading habits can give you more knowledge of your work, thus contributing to faster promotions and earnings.

It will make you a better person -one with broader knowledge, wider experiences, greater insights, nobler understandings.

Conditions for efficient reading

Good physical conditions mean ‘good eyes’. Have plenty of light and have a good mental attitude. Read for fun. You’ll enjoy it and get a lot more out of it.

Correct Reading Habits that slows us down
  • Don’t vocalize. The eyes can take in words 2 or 3 times faster than the vocal chords can pronounce them.

  • Don’t move your head from side to side. This is also inefficient because our eyes can move considerably faster.

  • Don’t follow the line with your finger or pencil. It slows your eye speed.

  • Get to know more words. Improve your knowledge of vocabulary.

  • Remember to read what interests you. It will help you read faster.

  • Force yourself to read a little faster.

Read faster

Reading Strategies
