Google has developed new products, discontinued a few, and offered new features, and more people have found great ways to save time with Google. So we’ve gone and found even more great tips for saving time with Google, and this time around, the list has made it all the way to 181 different tricks. Explore our collection of tricks to find new, faster ways to search, read email, manage your time, and more.
Search Tricks

Google is so much more than a search engine. It’s a reference book, calculator, even a weather forecaster. Using these tricks, you can find helpful information quickly, plus get to the right links faster.
- Feel lucky Access the page that Google thinks is the most relevant for your search with the “I’m Feeling Lucky” feature. Chances are, you’ll find a great resource without having to look any further.
- Find public data Google offers stores of public data, right in search results. For population and employment rates, just search for “population” or “unemployment rate” plus the state or county.
- Find your web history Find websites you’ve visited and even search your own online history with Google’s Web History.
- Search within a site Found a site that’s full of great stuff? Narrow down your results within the site by searching for (search query) site (domain).
- Search for exact phrases Put quotation marks around “any word” to find an exact phrase more efficiently.
- Shorten your search phrases Chances are, you don’t need to type a whole lot to find what you’re looking for. Try shortening your searches to just a few words.
- Check the weather in a flash Need to know if rain is going to hold you up on the way to class? Just type “weather” plus the city or zip code, and Google will pop up a forecast for you.
- Be descriptive Instead of searching for “celebrity sounds,” which could be a variety of different sounds, look for “celebrity ringtones,” which is much more specific.
- Find the file type you’re looking for Search for PDF, doc, even Power Point files by adding a filetype pdf modifier to your search string.
- Forget about cases Google’s search isn’t case sensitive, so search for new york times if you’re looking forThe New York Times.
- Don’t worry about punctuation, either Search doesn’t pay attention to punctuation and special characters, so don’t bother using them.
- Turn Google into a calculator Did you know that Google has a built-in calculator function? Just enter a calculation into the search box, and you’ll get the answer!
- Google is a dictionary and thesaurus, too Get definitions by entering “define” before your search term, and discover synonyms by adding a tilde (~), as in, ~cats.
- Quickly discover movies and movie showtimes To find movie reviews, showings, and theaters before you head out with friends, just type “movies” plus your zip code for the best results.
- Check the time around the world Chatting with your video penpal in Japan? Find out what time it is by searching for “time Japan.”
- Get rid of the stuff you don’t want If you keep getting irrelevant results for a certain term, you can exclude words just by placing a minus sign in front of them. So if you want to know about wombats but not necessarily blind wombats, you’d search for wombats -”blind wombat.”
- Search with Goggles Use your mobile phone’s camera to search for an item instead of typing words.
- Search by voice, too Search the web with speech by tapping the microphone button on your Google search box.
- Discover what you don’t know Google can help you fill in the blank with a simple asterisk (*). You can search for “Isaac Newton discovered *,” and Google will complete your sentence.
- Check your spelling If you’re not sure how to spell a word, just type your best guess into Google. If you’re wrong, Google will pop up with an alternative, asking, “Did you mean (correct spelling)?”
- Keep finding great sources If you like what you see on a particular website, and would like to find more, just do a related search on Google. For example, “related” will direct you to more news sites like CNN.
- Discover people Thanks to Google Plus, Google offers people profiles for a surprising amount of individuals. Get the quick low-down on your classmates, professors, and even important public figures by simply Googling a person’s name.
- Check out patents If you need to research a patent for school (or your latest invention), just plug in the number, plus the word “patent” into Google to get information about it.
- Research health conditions, medications, and even save a life Type any common symptom or disease into Google, and you’ll find an expert summary. Same thing for most generic and brand name prescriptions. Search for “poison control,” “suicide prevention,” and “flu,” and you’ll be directed to the appropriate phone number or even nearby locations that can help.
- Find food, stores, and more fast Find local businesses, like restaurants, quickly just by entering what you’re looking for plus your zip code. For example, you can find pizza joints in the Beverly Hills area by searching for “pizza 90210.”
- Quit stalking the FedEx guy You can track packages from USPS, FedEx, and UPS just by typing your tracking number directly into Google.
- Convert units of measure Calculate temperature, weight, and more just by using Google Search.
- Search by timeline With “view timeline” you can get a timeline for any topic you’re researching.
- Use Google’s cache to get around blocked sites Just by using “cache website address,” you can get around most blocked sites.
- Take advantage of image search Find an image for your search with Google’s Image Search.
- Find results on a specific kind of site To find results only from authoritative sites like .edu, .gov, or .org, add “site edu” to your search term.
- Check the time Find out the local time just by entering “what time is it” into Google.
- Search within a url Discover topics, years, and more within a url just by using “inurl .”
- Refine your search with options Drill down to what you’re really looking for with Show Options.
- Find a face Find only images with faces by using “&imgtype=face” in your search query.
Google Specifically for Education

With tools like Google Earth, Scholar, News, and iGoogle, there are lots of great ways to learn more and save time with Google.
- Google Scholar Use Google Scholar to get hooked up with scholarly literature, including results from academic publishers, journals, and peer-reviewed papers.
- Check out the sky Get a lesson in meteorology with Google Earth’s Sky feature.
- Set up an iGoogle page Keep everything handy and easy to access with an iGoogle page full of your most relevant news stories, calendar, and Google Reader blogs.
- Google News Find news sources around the world in Google’s incredible news resource.
- Make your own search engine Using the Google Custom Search Engine, you can create a search engine that specifically caters to your research needs.
- Set up a study group in Google Groups Communicate and collaborate with classmates and more in Google Groups, or better yet, start your own G+ Hangout.
- Google Code University Learn more about computer science by checking out Creative Commons-licensed content in this Google site.
- Study the oceans In Google Earth, you can view not just the sky, but the ocean floor’s surface and even 3D shipwrecks.
- Check out Knol for expert input Explore Knol to find expert knowledge on a variety of different topics.
Google Plus

A great new service for students to take advantage of, Google Plus has plenty of ways to get connected and save time.
- Create Hangouts to chat with study buddies Collaborate with group project members and study groups by setting up a video chat Google+ Hangout.
- Do a university search Find information within your university, thanks to Google Plus’ feature that collects university affiliation.
- Get a constantly updated research stream with Sparks Set up Sparks for a search engine that automatically finds information about the stuff you’re interested in.
Google Docs

We’re big fans of Google Docs’ ability to streamline word processing, spreadsheets, and more. Here are plenty of ways to take things to the next level and save time.
- Set up repeated text If you frequently write the same phrase over and over again, set up automatic substitution in your Google Docs preferences.
- Store your documents in the cloud With Google Docs, it’s easy to keep your documents in the cloud and access them wherever you are your dorm, mom and dad’s house, even the school library.
- Save Gmail attachments to Docs Keep Gmail attachments organized in the cloud by saving them to your Google Docs account.
- Spell check in bulk Google Docs checks your spelling as you type, but if you prefer to do it all at once, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-; to go to the next misspelling, and Ctrl-[ to back up.
- Create your own templates If you have a document that you’d like to use over and over again, just make your own template in Google Docs.
- Take advantage of templates Find templates for your resume, budget, chores, study schedule, and more in Google Docs templates.
- Open things up a bit Compact your Google Docs controls to get more writing real estate by pressing Ctrl-Shift-F inside a document, reducing the menu bar size.
- Set up simple forms, surveys, or polls Need a survey for a research project? Set one up in Google Docs to gather info.
- Collaborate and get alerted to changes Google Docs is great for collaboration with classmates, and it’s also useful for setting up notifications to find out when they’ve made changes.
- But remember that you can turn off notifications Getting alerts is great, but one too many can become distracting. Change your notification settings if it’s driving you nuts.
- Translate documents with Google Docs If you’ve downloaded a foreign language journal article, get it translated into another language with Google Docs.
- Organize into collections Use Google Docs enough, and you’ll have quite a collection of documents to go through. Put them into neat categories by setting up collections, and move documents to the appropriate folder.
- Add video to your presentation Give your Google Docs a multimedia boost by adding video.
- Add a school year calendar Follow these instructions to create a simple school year calendar in Google Docs.
- Use spreadsheets to make graphs Enter data into a spreadsheet, and then use that data to create a pie, bar, line, or scatter graph.
- Open a new document lightning fast Use simple shortcuts to open up new documents quickly.
- Save as you go Use the right click to save-as option, and you can quickly save a document in Google Docs.
- Send invitations in Google Docs Whether it’s for a party or a study group, you can send invitations using Google Docs.

The ubiquitous Gmail has lots of great tricks and options that student time-savers can take advantage of.
- Better Gmail Speed through your Gmail inbox by using this add-on that fixes some of the problems that can slow you down in Gmail, like customizing your inbox count display, messages, sidebar, and more.
- Gmail Manager Get updated on multiple Gmail accounts at once with this add-on that lets you check all of your Gmail accounts.
- Turn on keyboard shortcuts Gmail offers keyboard shortcuts like letter navigation, single-stroke actions, and more that can shave time off each action you do in Gmail.
- Undo Send If you accidentally sent a message a bit too fast, undo your send, and go back to fix a goof or add an attachment without having to send a brand new email.
- Add gadgets to Gmail You can add Calendar and Docs to your Gmail sidebar, helping you get quick access to your schedule and documents.
- Use stars to note special messages Mark messages with stars and superstars to remember that they are important.
- Mute messages Use Google Smart Mute to turn off messages that you’ve been added to on CC.
- Use advanced search operators Narrow down who you’re finding emails from with “from ” and “to ,” search by “subject ,” “has attachment,” and more with advanced search operators.
- Filter email with personalized email addresses Add a plus sign, periods, and other characters to create variations of your email address, and filter your inbox based on these addresses.
- Get connected faster with SMS in Chat Send a quick SMS text to your contacts through Gmail’s Chat if you really need to get connected instantly.
- Use Drafts as notes Keep handy notes in your Gmail Drafts folder by composing a new message and saving it as a draft.
- Organize with labels Get your email organized with labels to quickly scan your inbox for what you’re looking for, and move messages to them to clean up your inbox.
- Identify which messages were sent just to you Find out if an email was directly addressed to you by looking for personal level indicator arrows.
- Set up reminder keywords If you know you’ll need to access an important email later, but might not remember how to find it, forward it to yourself, adding a memorable keyword to the message that you can search for later.
- Send one-liners with (EOM) For messages where the subject is the entire message, Gmail will usually pop up and ask you if you want to ask body text. Bypass this message by adding (EOM) to the end of your subject.
- Search your mail Instead of keeping your mail super organized, just use the Gmail search function.
- Archive your messages Keep your inbox tidy, and old important emails still accessible by search by archiving messages.
- Sign out remotely Oops! Left Gmail on at the computer lab? Sign out remotely by clicking on Details at the bottom of your Inbox.
- Sort email accounts If you use Gmail to receive messages from both your personal account and school account, separate them into Multiple Inboxes to keep everything clear.
- Report spam vigilantly Rid your inbox, and the world, of spam by reporting emails as spam.
- Keep important files handy in Gmail Always have quick access to key files by emailing them to yourself in Gmail.
- Turn emails into tasks Got an emailed assignment from your professor? Convert emails into tasks, and even access them on your mobile phone.
- Set up filters Control the flow of incoming mail by setting up filters that will automatically label, archive, delete, forward, and more.
- Preview attachments If you’re not ready to download an attachment yet, just preview the attached document to see what it’s all about.
- Always remember to attach files Sign up for Labs to use the Forgotten Attachment Detector, and get notified when you mention attachments in the body of your message, but don’t actually have anything attached.
- Add multiple attachments at once Use Control, Shift, or Cmd to select more than one file to attach to your message.
- Use https Protect your Gmail with https, even when you’re using Gmail in public places like a coffee shop or the school library.
- Add Calendar and Docs Make Calendar and Docs a part of your Gmail page by adding them as boxes.
- Set up a “waiting for response” label Never lose emails that need following up by setting up a label for messages that you’re waiting on a response for.
- Set up Canned Responses With Canned Responses, you can save email templates for common replies that you use over and over.
Google Calendar

Using Google Calendar is the first step to saving time and staying on-task. Here are many more ways that you can keep the productivity train rolling with Calendar.
- Take advantage of hotkeys Navigate your keyboard by using hotkeys, like t to jump to today’s date, or q for a quick add.
- Sync your calendar Make sure that your calendar is the same on Outlook, your iPhone and Google Calendar on the web by using Google Calendar Sync.
- Create mini calendars Set up multiple calendars with custom colors to manage different calendars for different purposes, like homework vs. your social life.
- Set up notifications Get a daily agenda mailed to you, as well as reminders and updates, so you can manage your calendar right from your email.
- Add your Remember the Milk tasks Use RTM’s add-on to add your tasks to Google Calendar.
- Add appointments quickly Be specific, adding the time and date when you type in new appointments, and Google Calendar will automatically populate the fields you specify in its appointment form.
- Get texts from your calendar Set up access to Google Calendar on your mobile phone, and get your day’s agenda by texting “day” to 48368.
- Get Synced in iCal and Sunbird Sync your calendar with Apple iCal or Mozilla Sunbird.
- Customize your reminders Choose which reminders work best for you email, SMS, or pop-up.
- Set up weekly repeats Repeat events for M/W/F or T/Th classes and other events to block out the time on your calendar each week.
- Add events in Gmail Click “add to calendar” to add events to your Google Calendar right from Gmail.
- Invite others to an event Just add email addresses under Guests within any event to remind others of an appointment.
Google Mobile

With these tricks, you can fit education in anywhere.
- Sync your calendar Sync your Google Calendar, Gmail, and more to your phone so that you can stay productive on the go.
- Check email on the go Use Gmail for mobile to stay connected with your phone.
- Read your blog subscriptions Access Google Reader on your phone to stay on top of your blog subscriptions.
- Consolidate your phone numbers, even your cell phone With Google Voice, you can consolidate your dorm, apartment, and cell phone numbers into one.
- Find your friends Discover where your friends are hanging out with Google Latitudes.
- Get answers from Google SMS Find a great place to eat, translate words, and more just by texting Google (466453).
- Check in with iGoogle Get a mobile-optimized version of iGoogle on your phone.
- Access your Google Docs, too Read all of your Google Docs items on your phone.
- Keep a to-do list with Google Tasks Google Tasks makes it easy to keep and access a to-do list right on your phone.
- Always know where you are With Google Maps, you can take advantage of GPS and more to be sure that you never get lost.
- Find out anything, anywhere Use Google Search on your mobile phone to find out information wherever you are.
- Read books on your phone Access Google Books on your phone to read on the go.
- Post to Blogger Use your mobile phone to update any Blogger blog.
Google Chrome Tips and Extensions

With this awesome Google browser, you can maximize your time using tricks, extensions, and really cool ideas.
- Snippy You can snip out web content and save it for later in Google Docs thanks to Snippy.
- Set your startup pages If you rush to Gmail, Facebook, and specific research sites on startup, change your settings to open them up automatically each time you start Chrome.
- Stay Focusd Use this extension to help curb your Facebook addiction, blocking out websites that you tend to waste time on.
- Note Anywhere Use Note Anywhere to scribble notes anywhere online, even Wikipedia.
- Web2PDFConverter PDFs are so prevalent in higher education, so keep this converter handy in case you need to save and distribute a web page as a PDF.
- Read Later Fast Save research links and check them out later with the Read Later Fast Chrome extension.
- RemindMe Stay on task with RemindMe, a great app for getting reminders, tasks, and more.
- GradeGuru Citation Manager Organize your references and citation online using GradeGuru’s Chrome extension.
- Session Manager Save a certain group of tabs open only for specific tasks, and keep them all handy and separate with the Session Manager extension for Google Chrome.
- myHomework Using this Chrome extension, your can organize projects, classes, and homework so that you remember all of your important assignments.
- Session Boddy Keep your session safe, no matter where you access Google Chrome with Session Buddy, an extension that saves your tabs to export and use later.
- Put your favorite sites on your desktop Create a shortcut on your desktop to see an icon for your favorite website.
- Auto Copy Make copying text just a tiny bit faster with this extension that automatically copies text to the clipboard when you select a block of it.
- Cacoo With Cacoo, you can create diagrams collaboratively, right in your Google Chrome browser.
- Google Mail Checker Keep an eye on your Gmail without having to manually check in throughout the day by using Google Mail Checker, an extension that will show your unread Gmail messages on Chrome.
- Split Screen This extension is especially helpful when you’re researching over a variety of different websites.
- Use Chrome’s Omnibox as a calculator Just like you can use Google Search as a calculator, you can do calculations in Chrome’s Omnibox.
- Desmos Graphing Calculator Make Google Chrome’s calculator even better with this graphing calculator extension.
- Copy Without Formatting Copy plain text using this Chrome extension, and you can avoid messing up your documents with pre-determined formatting.
- DayHiker Check your schedule, tasks, and even set an alarm clock with this calendar extension for Google Chrome.
- Set up AutoFill If you’re sick of typing your name, address, and phone number over and over again, set up your AutoFill option to fill it in for you.
- Brizzly If you’re going to check Facebook and Twitter when you’re supposed to be studying, at least keep things simple. Use Brizzly, a reader extension that streamlines your browsing and updating.
- Create a favicon bookmark bar Set up links on your bookmarks bar, and delete their names so that Chrome will simply display them by favicon, saving room and leaving more space for even more links.
- FastestChrome Supercharge your Chrome experience by installing FastestChrome, an extension that adds Wikipedia articles to your browser, finds definitions instantly, and makes searching more convenient.
- Sync your Chrome settings If you use Chrome on multiple computers, like the library, computer lab, and your dorm, you can keep your settings by syncing them to your Google account.
- TooManyTabs If you’re prone to opening way too many tabs in Chrome, use this app to organize them all into a manageable format.
- Control multiple tabs with Pin Tab Using a Pin Tab, you can minimize tabs into a small icon.
- Use Paste and Search and Paste and Go Use these features to save steps when searching and navigating.
- Reopen closed tabs Whoops! Fix an accidentally closed tab by pressing Ctrl+Shift+T.
- Keep things private Use incognito mode to operate without any history or cookies on your browser.
- Make use of the bookmarks manager Use Chrome’s built-in bookmarks manager to organize, rearrange, find, and add folders for your bookmarks.
- ChromePass Use ChromePass, and you can list all of your stored Chrome password information.
- Chrome Mailer With ChromeMailer, you can get support for the mailto function on Google Chrome.
- Google Chrome Backup Back it up! Keep all of your bookmarks and personal data safe and secure with this tool.
Google Books

Access school books online, do your research, and save a trip to the library with these tricks and more.
- Save books as a PDF Take books that would normally be online-only and save them as a PDF so that you can read them anytime, anywhere.
- Find author and book information If you need quick info, like the author of a certain book, or when it was published, do a Google Books search to find detailed into on authors and titles.
- Read public domain books Search for classic books, then select “Books” in the left panel of your search results to find free copies of public domain books.
- Search the full text of books On Google Books, you can search the full text of thousands of books.
- Make your own library Add books to your shared library on Google Books to keep them organized for your classes or projects.
- Find books at your own library Check out links on Google Books that allow you to check the availability of titles in real life libraries.
- Check out Advanced Book Search Take things to the next level with detailed book search options.
- Find textbooks online Thanks to Google Books, you can even access selected textbooks online.
- Find magazine content In Advanced Book Search, you can find information in magazines, too.
- Check out the blog Find out the latest in the Google Books world with the Inside Google Books blog.
- Find supplements for your assigned texts Go to the next level, and find books in the subjects you’re studying in school.
Google Voice

Google Voice makes it easy to streamline your phone experience, and even eliminate a few pesky distractions.
- Use Google Voice as your phone number Avoid pesky solicitor phone calls and use voicemail transcription to take the time suck out of using your phone.
- Put voicemails in a special label Set up a label for all emails that come from [email protected].
- Set up a “do not disturb” time Determine a time when you really need to get things done, set up “do not disturb” on Google Voice, and all your calls will go to voicemail.
- Block nuisance calls Kill productivity-busting sales calls by blocking them. Google Voice will set up a disconnection message for callers that you’ve blocked.
- Record calls If you’re doing research interviews, this is a really handy time saver. Use Google Voice to record calls, and you can go back to them later.
Handy Google Services and Apps

Here you’ll find even more ways to save time with Google, using services like Google SketchUp, Talk, and Translate.
- Install a search box on your browser Using Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Internet Explorer, you can add a search box for Google onto your browser.
- Google Alerts Stay on top of news stories and research projects with Google Alerts, a service that will send you emails with new search results for your terms.
- Google SketchUp Draw 3D figures for free online using Google’s SketchUp service.
- Google Talk Chat with family, friends, classmates, and professors on your desktop and more with this service.
- Google Images With Google’s Image search, you can find loads of high-quality images.
- Google Translate Using Google Translate, you can get foreign words translated lightning fast.
- Google Finance Use Google Finance to stay on top of markets, news, and more.
- Google Toolbar With the Google Toolbar, you can get easy access to all sorts of Google tools right in your browser.
- Picasa Manage, edit, and share your photos online with this Google photo manager.
- Google Fusion Tables With Google’s Fusion Tables, you can share and discuss your data online.
- Blogger Using Blogger, you can create a project blog, share your experiences, and keep up with family and friends.
The 25 Best Teaching and Learning Websites of 2012
educators technology
AASL ( American Association of School Librarians ) has recently published a post featuring some of the best teaching and learning websites for this year. I have reviewed this post and chekced the websites they included ( most of which have been reviewed here ) and decided to share with you their list.
This top 25 websities the AASL included foster " the qualities of innovation, creativity, active participation, and collaboration. They are free, web-based sites that are user-friendly and encourage a community of learners to explore and discover." These websites are organized into 6 main categories ."
1- Media Sharing
2- Digital Storytelling
3-Social Networking
4-Content Resources
5-Curriculum Collaboration
1- Media Sharing Websites :
A- Project :
This is a great website for presentations and slides creations. It lets users embed text, images, docs, and social media data. If you want to explore more similar tools then check out The Best Free Presentation Tools for Teachers.
B- Gamestar Mechanic

This website teaches users about the principals of game systems and design.
C- Vialogue:

This website allows users to post videos and invite others to start discussions , pose questions and add comments on the content.
D- Popplet

This is one of the tools I included in my The Best Mind Mapping Tools for educators. It helps users create awesome concept maps.
D- Jux

This tool lets you create stories using graphics, text,and audio and works both on the desktop as well as mobile devices.
2- Digital Storytelling
Most of the tools AASL compiled under this heading have already been included in The Best Free Digital Storytelling Tools for Teachers.
A- Comic Master

This is a great tool for users to create short graphic novels. It also provides lesson plans and other resurces on how to use comics in the classroom. Check out the best Comic Strip Genrator tools for Teachers for more of similar tools.
B- My Storymaker

This website provides a safe and student friendly environment where teachers can tell stories for their students.
C- Inanimate Alice

This is a digital interactive graphic novel that tells the story of Alice via text, games and music.
3- Manage and Organize
A- Quicklyst

This is a cool website that allows users to take notes, make to-do-lists, organize , save and search those notes they made.
B- SpiderScribe

This is another concept map making tools that lets users create awesome diagrams out of docs, pictures, maps and more.
C- Stixy

I have already included this tool in my Best Free Sticky Notes Tools for Teachers. It allows users to create, collaborate, orgnaize and share content a bulletin board called Stixyboards.
D- Remember The Milk

This is a great Task management tool. that allows users to create tasks and to-do-lists.
4- Social Networking
A- Wiggio

This is an ideal website for group work. It allows for virtual meetings, conference calls, to do lists, polling, events management and many more.
B- Collaborize Classroom

This a collaborative platform where teachers and students can collaborate while working on assignments and classroom projects.
C- Celly

This website supports the use of cell phones in the classroom by providing a controlled, secure environment for users.
5- Content Resources
A- Study Ladder

This one here is for elementary and junior high/middle grades that provides a wide range of activities that promotes conceptual understanding.
B- Historypin

This website helps users create stories out of photographs and links and put them into a photo album.
C- Learn it in 5

This provides five minutes or less video tutorials on web 2.0 skills for teachers, students and parents.
D- ARKive

” ARKive gathers together films, photographs, and audio recordings of the world’s species to establish a comprehensive multimedia digital collection of profiles of species either rare or threatened with extinction.”
E- DocsTeach

This website provides 3000 documents for students to create rich learning experiences.
6- Curriculum Collaboration
A- How to Smile

This is a virtual community where teachers exchange activities to get students engagement in learning.
B- StudyBlue

This is a platform where you can learn about flashcards. You can also make your owns very easily
C- Nasa Kids Club

This website helps users take off into a universe of STEM activities that engage and inspire teaching and learning.
D- Springnote

This one allows users to create notebooks using text, graphics, and clendars