The ELTons, sponsored by Cambridge ESOL, are the only international awards that recognise and celebrate innovation in the field of English language teaching.

To find the time of the ELTons ceremony in your location, click here.


ELTons 2012 nominees

This year there are five exciting new categories:
  • Excellence in course innovation

  • Innovation in learner resources

  • Innovation in teacher resources

  • Digital innovation

  • Local innovation

as well as The Macmillan Education Award for Innovative Writing.

There will be one winner in each category and they will receive a £1,000 cash prize along with the much sought-after ELTon statuette. All the winners will be announced at the ceremony at The British Medical Association, BMA House, Tavistock Square on 23 May 2012. Scott Thornbury will be this year's guest presenter.

The winner of The British Council Lifetime Achievement Award will also be announced at the ELTons ceremony. This award recognises an ELT professional who has made a substantial contribution to the ELT profession throughout their career.

Here are the ELTons 2012 nominees:

Excellence in Course Innovation

Bell Blended Learning for ELT (website) - Bell

Career Paths Beauty Salon (book) - Express Publishing

English Unlimited (full course) - Cambridge University Press

Gateway (course) - Macmillan Education, Macmillan Publishers Ltd

Playtime (full course) - Oxford University Press

Speakout (course) - Pearson ELT

Writing for Business (website) - Reallyenglish

Innovation in Learner Resources

Collins English for Business: Listening (book) - HarperCollins Publishers UK

FOR REAL Intermediate (course) - Helbling Languages

Interactive (whole course) - Cambridge University Press

Our Discovery Island (CD-ROM, online game and book) - Pearson Education ELT

Sounds: The Pronunciation App (iPad app) - Macmillan Education

Truth or Dare for English Language Learners (game) - Brian Grover (Speekeezy Publication Workshop)

Innovation in Teacher Resources

#ELTchat (website) - #ELTchat

Digital Play (book) - Delta Publishing

How to help your class learn English (book) - Yellow House Ltd

Instant Academic Skills (CD and book) - Cambridge University Press

Learning Teaching 3rd Edition (DVD and book) - Macmillan Education

Teaching Young Learners to Think (book) - Helbling Languages (website) - Tune Into English

Digital Innovation

Bubble and Pebble (website) - Terakki Foundation Schools

Efekta Classroom App (iPad app) - EF Education First Ltd

ExamSpeak (website) - RendezVu

Gobby (iPad app) - Stealth Education

Phonetics Focus HD (iPad app) - Cambridge English Online Ltd

WORDREADY Academic English (web cloud) - L2

Local Innovation

AGO (website and card game) - Leon Butchers

Creative Technology: online workshops for English Teachers (online workshops) - Creative Technology

Island Voices Videos (website) - Cothrom Ltd

Markoni’s Fancy-Dress Balls ( fancy dress balls) - The Markoni’s Language Centre

Stars (CD-ROM, books) - Oxford University Press

The Colour of Words (book, cd) - Colour Trick S.l.

The Macmillan Education Award for Innovative Writing

Dictionary of Vowels and their Sounds (website) - Bob Knowles

Micro-Phonics’ ESOL Pronunciation Coach (speech therapy) - Barry Hochfield and Colin Hamilton

Sensing Humour ‘in English’ (book) - Kate Khoury, Sarah Raybould and Louise Salim

The Tily-Wilma stories-learning English the alternative way (book) - Fiona Alexander Hamilton

Award categories for the 2012 ELTons

This year Innovative ELT products and services could be entered for one of the following awards:

The award for excellence in course innovation

Complete courses in any, or a variety of, media – books, websites, CD Roms, audio, teachers’ book.

The award for innovation in learner resources

Any product or service aimed at learners.

The award for innovation in teacher resources

Any product or service aimed at teachers, including training, education or development.

The award for digital innovation

A digital product or service that enhances learning through the innovative use of technology.

The award for local innovation

Learner or teacher solutions developed at a local, national or regional level to meet a specific local need and within a specific local context.

The Macmillan Education Award for Innovative Writing

Sponsored by Macmillan Education, this award is open to aspiring ELT authors who have not yet published any of their work. The winner receives £1,000 and the opportunity to publish their work.